 ali campoverdiAli Campoverdi on the night of Obama's inaugurationfavreau nytimes

He is said to work 16 hours a day and and was unable to get a date during the presidential campaign.

But now Barack Obama's 27-year-old speechwriter, Jon Favreau, is dating a former Maxim model and actress who is working with him at the White House.

Ali Campoverdi stripped off for Maxim in 2004 - and told the men's magazine that she was looking for a man who was 'passionate' about something

'I don’t care if it’s your job or your hobby or your shoes,' she said at the time. 'Something has to make you tick; something has to make you move.'

Ms Campoverdi is now an aide to a White House deputy chief of staff, American media outlets said.

But she has previously appeared American reality shows - including the dating show For Love or Money, where she was a 'million-dollar girl'.

The California native also appeared as a vampire hunted by Keanu Reeves in Constantine and was a finalist for the American version of The Apprentice with Donald Trump.

The relationship is evidence of Mr Favreau's newfound status as a political sex symbol - but during Mr Obama's presidential run, he was not so lucky.

Talking to the New York Times last year, Mr Favreau observed somewhat dryly that 'the rigours of this campaign have prevented any sort of serious relationship.' 

But as Mr Obama's star has risen, so it appears has Mr Favreau's.

Aged just 27, he is the youngest chief speechwriter on record at the White House.

Mr Favreau - or Favs to friends - was spotted by Mr Obama while working for John Kerry at the 2004 Democratic Convention.

The Illinois senator was running over his lines when Mr Favreau interrupted him to suggest one that rhymed.

He is now one of Mr Obama's most trusted aides and wrote the Iowa victory speech that launched Mr Obama towards the White House and coined the phrase, 'yes we can'.

'Barack trusts him,' said David Axelrod, Mr Obama’s top adviser, 'and Barack doesn’t trust too many folks with that - the notion of surrendering that much authority over his own words.'

Mr Obama's chief speechwriter since 2007, Mr Favreau works up to 16 hours a day on speeches throughout the country.He is often to be seen working  in the early hours, fuelled on double espresso and cans of Red Bull energy drink.  


剛從蘋果看完這篇 真的是微之一亮啊 因為蘋果把她的篇幅做太小了 而且我很少會去看頭版

結果就被我看到了 這個女人完全是我所喜歡的類型

我100%發誓喜歡男人 這裡我是說我希望我是像她那樣 聰明ing+性感ing+美麗ing 表裡都非常的perfect!

哈佛碩士+性感撩人+白宮助理    這種女人去哪找啊










現年26歲的坎波維蒂是哈佛大學碩士,曾在奧巴馬競選團隊中擔任實習生,現在擔任白宮副幕僚長的助理。不過,最吸引外界注意的還是她的美貌,西班牙裔的她曾替男性雜誌MAXIM拍攝一系列的撩人豔照,並在基努李維2005年電影《驅魔神探》(Constantine)和《要愛還是要錢?》(For Love or Money)電視實境節目中演出。
至於她的男友法夫洛也不簡單,年僅27歲就成為白宮史上最年輕的撰稿主任,奧巴馬膾炙人口的「是的,我們辦得到」(Yes We Can)競選口號,就是出自他之手。在協助奧巴馬競選期間,法夫洛曾多次表示,每天工作16小時,讓單身的他無法認真談感情,即使遇上理想對象,對方也多半不相信他真的就是奧巴馬的撰稿人。


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